ENT specialists diagnose and treat conditions of the ear, nose and throat. They are also referred to as otolaryngologists. Let’s take a look at a few of the common conditions they treat, as well as when you should consider making an appointment.
Common Ear Problems

ENTs treat a variety of different ear conditions, from ear infections to congenital disorders of the ear. Some common ear issues that you might see an ENT for include:
- Middle ear infection causes inflammation and fluid buildup behind the eardrum. Symptoms include ear pain, fever, drainage from the ear and muffled hearing.
- Outer ear infection, also referred to as swimmer’s ear, is often caused by water remaining in the ear after swimming. However, it can also be caused by viral illnesses and minor injuries to the ear. It’s a common condition in both children and adults. About 1 out of 10 people will have an outer ear infection at some point in their life.
- Tinnitus is often experienced as a ringing in the ear, though others report hearing buzzing, clicking and other sounds as well. It can be acute or chronic, and for some, symptoms can be disruptive enough to interfere with their daily lives.
Additionally, problems with your balance or hearing may also be related to an ENT issue.
Common Nose Problems
Though you certainly don’t need to see an ENT every time you experience a case of sniffles, longer-lasting nasal issues may require making a visit. Potential noise issues that should be evaluated by an ENT include:
- Sinus infections
- Frequent nose bleeds
- Persistent nasal congestion or trouble breathing through your nose
- Loss of smell
- Deviated septum
- Nasal polyps
- Pain or injury to the nose
- Abnormal growth in your nose
Common Throat Problems
ENTs can diagnose, manage and treat many problems of the throat that can affect your ability to swallow, talk, speak, eat and digest. Some common issues include:
- Frequent acid reflux (GERD)
- Tonsil or adenoid infection and/or removal
- Asthma or other breathing problems
- Voice or swallowing problems
- Chronic or severe sore throat
- Hoarseness
- Laryngitis
- An unexplained growth or tumor in the throat
- Throat and neck cancer
- Chronic cough
Bottom Line
ENT specialists diagnose and treat these and numerous other ears, nose and throat conditions. If you are suffering from issues that are interfering with your life and making it harder to go to work, spend time in your garden or enjoy a meal with friends at Peddler Steak House, call the ENT experts at Spartanburg | Greer ENT & Allergy and schedule an appointment today.